
Sunday, 16 June 2013

June hedgerow

Plantain, buttercup and lesser stitchwort. Walked along one of my favourite hedgerows this morning and drew these flowers. Not a lot of colour around yet but the hedgerows seem quite lush and with grasses, cow parsley etc. This particular hedge runs beside a bridleway and doesn't get mown so lots of interesting plants entwine themselves together here. These flowers grew on the edge of the muddy track. I liked the delicate anthers of the plantain, the tiny white stitchwort flowers and the bright yellow buttercups against a dense green background of leaves and grasses of the wild herbaceous border behind.

Sunday, 9 June 2013


Went for a pleasant walk today and sketched this in some local woods. There was a strong cool breeze under a cloudy sky and although I was wrapped up well I froze. The weather has been rather unpredictable recently and later in the day the sun came out and it began to get moderately warm. The woods were rather dark beneath the leaf canopy and all the bluebell leaves had died down leaving just a few blue flowers here and there.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Saturday, 1 June 2013


There was a collection of these in Hitchin town centre today (along with various other stalls and groups of people) and this one looked like it wanted to be drawn. It was early morning and crowds hadn't really gathered yet to do their shopping but, even though the square was almost empty, several groups of people managed to stand right in the middle of my view just chatting away and so this took twice as long to draw as I had expected.