
Sunday, 13 January 2008

The Christian Druid - further thoughts

Following on from my previous blog I realised that a definition of a Druid may be helpful and here is one I found on the web:

Druid (dro̵̅o̅′id)
a member of a literate and influential class in Celtic society that included priests, soothsayers, judges, poets, etc. in ancient Britain, Ireland, and France
Etymology: Fr druide < L druides, pl. < Celt, as in OIr drūi < IE *dru-wid-, lit., oak-wise (< base *deru-, oak, tree + *wid-, know, wise)

The essence of this can be summed up as someone whose life is based round the interaction between people and their landscape, between humanity and and the environment. My desire is not be a formal Druid priest or anything like that, I am mearly saying that they have a model of philosophy and thought that I am interested in.

Of course, one could say that to be a figure of authority, to be a prophet, looking to the spiritual side for guidance, overseeing and standing as an authority figure (rule/judgement) and valuing poetry/myth/parables etc could apply to any religious leader of any faith. I mean even Jesus did that, as do our church leaders, as do Druids.

I am not sure where to go next on this subject so will pause for the moment.

I was mildly surprised, after several months of not blogging, that as soon as I had put up the previous blog, "The Christian Druid", I had an immediate comment! Thank you to whoever wrote it, it felt as though you wrote from your heart and had struggled much in the way that I have done. I am not sure about you, but I feel as if I have imposed a sort of exile upon myself and have isolated myself from a once very loving and caring Christian environment. I am now wondering how to move forwards and find people with whom I feel I can journey more faithfully. I wish you all the best and pray that you will find a path that is supportive and honouring to they way your view your world. Do read something by John Odonohue if you get a chance, I mention him quite a bit on my posts.


Tammy said...

Thank you Matthew for your further thoughts (I was the one that commented on your first Christian Druid post). It has been quite a journey for me, and it's so nice and comforting to find someone else who knows what all of this feels like. At times, I thought I would just die, not being able to reconcile my spiritual convictions and revelations with the religion of my youth, well, the religion I had my whole life. My journey is far from over, but it helps soooo much to know there are others out there. Please continue to post your insights, I love reading them, and I did read some writings of John O'Donohue, Wow! Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. You do not travel alone, and now I know that neither do I.

Anonymous said...

Thank you all for the comments. I am in much the same situation, having been raised in a very conservative Christian environment leading me to feel slightly brainwashed by the time I hit university. I have been exploring ever since and have found that what's real in the world, real in nature or Ki or whatever you want to term it, and real in the Christian sense are much more intertwined than I previously thought. The more I learn, I don't see a contradiction but a wonderful balance. I'm happy that it's not just me losing it, but that others are on the same path. Keep searching as will I. Thank you again for the encouragement.

gone but you will never forget me. said...

Isn't it wonderful to find a label for what one has felt all along?
I have enjoyed your blogs on the topic, I myself fall into this category.

Anonymous said...

My great-grandfather immigrated from Ireland and was a Christian Druid. They do exist. And, while I have been told that it is not possible to be Christian and Druid at the same time, I have found nothing in the Bible that is against the beliefs of the Druids. Every religion has the same central themes. We are all the same people. The way we chose to worship may be different, but any contradictory aspects between religions comes from man, not God.

Fox said...

I don't know if you are still blogging, Matthew but I thank you for what you and the others did post. For a long time I was un-churched finding a lot was being preached from the pulpit and was not in the Bible, such as nature is evil being given over to Satan. But I was led to a little book called "Celtic Fire" which not only helped me see God/Goddess and being acceptable but also seeing The Creator also in nature. I now attend an Episcopal Church in which I can say "My Father/Mother which art in heaven. And the Holy Spirit is alluded to in the feminine.

Benjamin Mckee said...

Matthwe thanks for the blogs. I am a member of the Orthodox Church of America, and my wife is a pagan/druid. It has been a great spiritual journey exploring what our religions have in common.