
Wednesday 2 July 2008


With only one red and one black currant bush in the garden I was pleased to get a good plateful of currants this year. I've had them covered with netting all spring to keep the birds off. I could perhaps have left them on the bush for another couple of days as they were a little sharp, but still delicious with some vanilla ice cream. I've frozen some of them along with yet more strawberries which have produced a very abundant crop this year.

The runner beans are finally shooting up the bean poles and the new potatoes are delicious. Somehow my succession of lettuces has ground to a halt - either through slug damage, or seedlings that do not seem to want to grow. I've just managed to buy some purple sprouting plants and these will fill a gap where the potatoes have been and they will undoubtably provide welcome food for caterpillars when we go on holiday!

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