
Sunday, 24 February 2013

Standing in Light

Creative writing from a worship training day at church.
In the light of the winter's sun, with longer days and a brilliant brightness that awakes the cold and the frozen, I feel the beckoning energy of spring that has lain hidden with the dark soul of winter. My heart finds a beat that reaches out from coldness and I am finding a freedom and desire to reach out to regain my sense of wilderness, curiosity, desire and passion. And in this sense of belonging I find my longing. I open out my arms and hold my palms upward - feeling the cool air running between my fingers. I am drawn outwards: away form inward pains and self-consciousness. I am called to receive love, awe and acceptance from the landscape around me. My body and the Spirit meld in the sensuousness of being. I am here: standing in your touch, standing in your being, standing in your love.

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